Postpartum Doula Support.

Whether you are bringing your newborn home, waiting for your baby to be discharged from the NICU, or are further out in your postpartum journey, you deserve postpartum support. As your doula I am here to listen, help you maximize sleep, catch up on dishes, and make sure you are filling your cup during a season of life where you are constantly pouring out for others.

Daytime and Nighttime Availability

What does a shift with you look like?

A day shift may consist of catching up on laundry and light housework while we binge watch your favorite show. Maybe I sit beside you as you process and unpack your birth story and how your newly postpartum body functions. An evening shift may consist of me wearing your baby while you shower and I make dinner, that you get to eat with both hands while it’s warm.

Overnight support typically focuses on getting you as much rest and recovery as possible. This might mean I room in with the baby, or in the living room with the baby monitor, and meet your baby’s needs so you can sleep uninterrupted. Breastfeeding? I’ll bring baby in for their feeds, and take them back to the room to be burped, changed, and rocked to sleep so you can minimize the amount of night wakings you have.

What does a postpartum doula do?

A postpartum doula is trained to reduce fear and instill strength from postpartum through parenthood. With my extensive training and personal experience, I am able to provide evidence based information on the different stages of infant development, feeding tips and techniques, postpartum recovery and more.

What time do you offer postpartum support?

I currently offer daytime and overnight postpartum shifts upon availability. Daytime shifts can be 3-8 hours long, and overnight shifts are a minimum of 8 hours long.

Is postpartum support just for newborns?

Nope! In fact, I hired my amazing postpartum doula Sarah when my husband deployed and my daughter was going through the four month sleep regression. EVERYONE deserves postpartum support. It doesn’t matter what your baby’s age is, if your baby still in the NICU while you are home healing, or if you have other little ones at home. I’ve got your back.

What packages do you have available?

Packages begin at $25/hr. Hourly rates are discounted for packages over 100 hours, and an additional discount is available for packages over 200 hours. These shifts can be broken up into 3-8 hour shifts, to be used during daytime or overnight hours (8 hr shift minimum for overnights).

What areas do you serve?

I currently serve postpartum families within a 30 minute radius from Offutt, AFB.

Ready for doula support?

Schedule your free 15 minute consultation with me today! Call or text me at (913) 705-0017 or email

“Throughout my pregnancy and since the birth of my daughter I have referred to Kayla many times for information or even just solidarity from someone who dealt with something similar to me.”

— Carrie L.

“Kayla is a doula who has experience in the total birth experience instead of just birth or just postpartum. She’s a mother with real wisdom and real experience in the good/bad/ugly of motherhood and empathizes with others.”

— Bev H.

You are a priority, you deserve rest. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and you don’t have to do postpartum alone.