Meet Kayla Kohl.
Kayla is a certified reproductive health, labor, birth, postpartum and infant doula & childbirth educator. She has continuous education in topics such as attending a Spinning Babies workshop, breastfeeding through allergies with Free to Feed, lip & tongue ties, and VBACs through Evidence Based Birth. She has also taken newborn and toddler sleep courses through Sleep in the City. She has personal experience with adoptive home studies, profile books, and Back to Basics adoption training. Kayla has taken the Birth Becomes You Photography course to further her photography experience.
Kayla also has her B.S. in Elementary Education, with a minor in Language Arts, and a Deaf studies concentration, her CD-L, P&IC and CDL.
She is the first certified labor doula in the state of Nebraska who is TRICARE authorized, and is proudly married to an airman stationed at Offutt AFB, where they raise their two girls.
Credentials and Certifications

At The Birth Chronicles we believe that love makes a family and fully support all family dynamics in their birth choices.
Kayla’s Story
After years of infertility and miscarriages, my husband and I finally became pregnant through embryo donation (IVF) and I gave birth to our daughter preterm via emergency cesarean in October of 2020. I had a high risk pregnancy that ended in an emergency cesarean birth and some NICU time for my daughter. Nothing had prepared me for postpartum life in the NICU, and it is so important to me to provide families with support and resources so they feel supported and safe. In July of 2022 we welcomed our second daughter into our home via domestic adoption. Parenting two under two has grown us in new ways, and we are so thankful to be parenting our rainbow babies.
That's why I started The Birth Chronicles, to support families through their journeys by instilling strength and reducing fear with unbiased support, evidence based practices, and love.
When I’m not doula-ing, I’m maxing out my phone’s storage space taking pictures of my girls, reading on my Kindle, going on family walks with our dog Pearl, or baking with sourdough.