Freebie: Birth Plan Templates

I know birth plans get a lot of hate, but here me out! There is NO reason why letting anyone know your preferences around your body and medical care is annoying. Are birth plans step by step directions that lay out exactly how you will give birth? No, and that’s ok! Birth plans are also a great way for you to get curious about your options and discover what you want when it comes to your care.

“If I don’t know my options, I don’t have any.” - Diane Korte

My birth plan templates are designed to be an easy way to let everyone in your birth space know your priorities, wants, and do not wants. There are a few different templates so you can find one that meets your needs. If you DO use my templates, send me a picture of yours filled out! I would love to see how they help you gain clarity around your birth experience.

Looking to find out your options around birth or for more birth support? I’ve got you covered with my childbirth education course or comfort measures course. Looking for something self paced? I have a dream birth workbook to help you navigate your birth options!

-xo, Kayla


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