2021: A Year In Review

What was 2021 like as a birth worker?

2021 was so much better than the first year of the pandemic. In Omaha, hospitals allowed birth workers back into the birth space, with masks and certification checks, but still remain limited on visitors. I was overjoyed to see birth support come back into hospitals.

What was work like as a small business owner?

Busy! I came back into the birth world after a brief hiatus while I stayed home with my daughter, recovered from my emergency cesarean and her NICU stay, and my husband’s deployment. I was able to serve eight birth clients in 2021, attend 6 births, three postpartum shifts, 8 prenatal visits, and taught 3 childbirth education courses to 15 couples in our community! I also launched and rebranded my doula business into The Birth Chronicles.

I am so happy to now not only be serving my community in person here, but to expand my services and offer virtual support world wide! If you are looking for childbirth education or doula support email me today at hello@thebirthchronicles.co



My “Why”


World Breast Pump Day